Introduction to Juice Therapy

The juice therapy is a therapeutic method that through juices made ​​from fruits and vegetables is intended to prevent and even cure health problems.

According to this therapy , fruits and vegetables are nutritional foods and fast high power utilization able to keep the body healthy and balanced under the overarching principle that the body has the ability to bounce back in touch with nature because she belongs .

According to this principle nature is wise and gives the man the elements necessary to overcome the states of discomfort caused by poor nutrition and ensure their health . Fruit juices and vegetables are well able to detoxify , regenerate , strengthen , debug , help rebuild cells and mainly provide energy to our body.

Among the most important nutritional qualities attributed to fruit juices and vegetables is that they contain high percentages of vitamins , minerals and proteins, substances essential for the proper functioning of organism.

For example , tropical fruit juices , strawberries , blackcurrants , melon and citrus , among others , are recommended to raise the body’s natural defenses against viruses and slow cellular aging due to its high content of vitamin C. While the juice with apricots , cherries , melon and peach are recommended for their vitamin content to improve processes related to vision , liver and sexual activity .

The kiwi juice , nectarines , persimmons , melons , red grapes , cherries , apricots , plums , fresh coconut , avocado , pineapple , custard apple and papaya are rich in potassium and magnesium , two essential minerals to form and strengthen tissues and bones, improve resistance to degenerative diseases , in addition to its significant anti-stress effect .

Equally significant other components in fruits and vegetables, which allows water conducting chemical functions of the body, are fiber , organic acids and phytochemicals , which help them avoid constipation and decrease levels of cholesterol and glucose ; disinfect and alkalinize the urine , and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and even some say , cancer .

In addition to the rich flavor and aroma that distinguishes fruits and vegetables , they are all compatible with each other, to make the most varied and tasty juices , except melon and watermelon which is recommended to drink them alone , because of the time it takes to fermentation of these fruits within the digestive system.

As in all cases of food preparation , fruit and vegetables to be used in juice , should be perfectly fresh condition , mature and disinfected , and consumed immediately after preparation, preferably one hour before breakfast or between two and three hours after meal .