The Snuff Increases the Risk of Impotence

The Snuff Increases the Risk of ImpotenceSmoking a pack of snuff per day increases by up to 60 percent risk of impotence, according to a study in China. The results show that among men who smoke only a few cigarettes a day also increased risk of erectile dysfunction among nonsmokers is observed.

After studying data from more than 4,700 men who participated in the study InterAsia , extensive health research conducted in China during 2000 and 2001 , a team of researchers led by Jiang He of Tulane University in New Orleans (USA) , has confirmed the negative effects of snuff on male sexual health .

Although not the first study to find a relationship between smoking and erectile dysfunction, this research is unique because it can establish that the snuff impairs male sexual health independently of other risk factors such as age, hypertension, cholesterol or diabetes,

Erectile dysfunction is often associated with the presence of atherosclerosis , which is the accumulation of fatty plaques in the walls of blood vessels , blocking blood flow. The findings demonstrate a close relationship between smoking , cardiovascular disease and impotence

The Social Costs of Smoking

Costs-of-SmokingUnlike what occurred at least fifty years ago when smoking was a symbol of status, a privilege own knights , a ceremony surrounded by sophistication and ritual to which even reserved luxurious lounges , aspirational action promoted in Hollywood movies today is a social practice rejected increasing circles .

Nicotine addicts argue that it is a discriminatory practice repentant former smokers , a plot of good health consciences against freedom , the truth is that more and more people know the effects of snuff on health of those who smoke , and those who are around and seek his protection.

The social cost for the smoker grows every day. As health consciousness extends close social circles . Friends and associates prefer the company of non-smokers, are removed from the places with smoke snuff and extend its limitations by not smoking in their homes and cars.

Companies are particularly strict about this and separated from employment applications to smokers by the implicit costs mean their sick leave, medical insurance and maintenance costs in air conditioning, painting , carpets and curtains property .

The office property leases and goes through the same condition. Landlords prefer Tenants who do not smoke and set clauses in contracts that prohibit smoking to reduce maintenance costs and insurance.

As for the restaurants , bars , concert halls , offices, banquet halls , public buildings and other places of living , governments around the world have banned the consumption of snuff within its facilities and space adaptation fostered special within those establishments directed at smokers .

Smoking is a voluntary act that anyone can make in private without disturbing anyone. Health costs are widely known now becoming known as the growing isolation undergoing nicotine addicts .

Formerly adjunct to the distinction and social life , the snuff has become a heavy burden for sociability , a reason for rejection if not for discrimination and confinement of smokers