First Aid for Bites and Stings.

First aid for bites and stings_Mosquito bitePeople who have experienced severe reactions localized or generalized insect bite should receive desensitization treatments by a doctor. The sting of an insect may endanger the life of a sensitized person .

Things to be made to a sensitized patient :


  • Apply a constrictive bandage on the patient’s arm or leg above the bite .
  • Use a thick, wide clip cloth and wrap around and above the bite .
  • Make a simple knot and top knot a piece of stick or branch , make a full knot over again and then give turn to thereby adjust the bandage.
  • Be sure to feel the pulse below the tourniquet and also the patient should not feel the sense of touch instead of dressing.
  • Put an ice bag or cloth with cold water on the bite .
  • Remove with tweezers pieces lancet bug on the site of the bite.