10 Rules to Loose Weight Healthily

To loose weight, there are always two options: the fast track and less healthy in the foods and nutrients that suppress and got short-term weight loss but quickly recover or slower track, reasonable and healthy in maintaining a balanced diet but restringuiendo spending more calories and exercise based. Here are some tips to reduce weight in a healthy way:

Healthy way

  •  Supplementing the diet with exercise always: is the best way to reduce calories, eating less and spending more. Remember that diet to lose weight without exercise is meaningless.
  • Top with fresh food cooked food and prepared meals tend to have more fat and more additives than fresh foods.
  • Do not forget the daily eating 5 servings of fruit and vegetables recommended: This will ensure that you will always have vitamins and minerals and fiber intake will be noticeable.
  • Eating slowly and chewing well: the process is as important as eating food you take. Do not wait for your fill at every meal, and it tells you that you’ve been eating.
  • Do not skip meals or suppress it: the only meals will suppress the following have much more hungry and eat more than usual. It is better to make more food with less content than very few meals.
  • Do not forget to hydrate: water is very necessary for the proper maintenance of body functions. Remember that water is not fattening and that the average person needs about is about 2 to 2.5 liters of water a day.
  • Do not obsess over weight loss: do not weigh every day and you have to constantly think about losing weight. Weigh yourself every week or two weeks and think it is a long-term, do not let the weight change your mood or dominate your life.
  • Consultation with professionals if necessary: ​​if you have to lose much weight or cost you quite slimming is no nonsense get in the hands of a professional (doctor, nutritionist), since no one better than him to advise and make track.
  • No fad diets or diets that you advise other people for they worked. Each one is different and your body reacts differently to a diet. Do not choose shortcuts when losing weight because again soon regain weight and your body only with such weight fluctuations.
  • Be patient and set a goal you can achieve real goals. Do not forget that experts say not to lose more than a kilogram of weight per week for a healthy weight loss.

Olive oil also protects our bones

Olive oilWhile we know that the many factors affecting bone health food and not only needs calcium to maintain healthy bones, is the first time a large study reveals that olive oil also protects our bones.

As part of the preliminary results of a large Spanish study called PREDIMED that analyzes the effects of the Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts, olive oil or without supplements and low fat, found that those who ate a diet Mediterranean an extra 20 to 30 ml of olive oil had higher indicators of bone formation in blood.

About virgin olive oil added to its already healthy Mediterranean diet had higher levels of osteocalcin, a marker of bone formation, and also retained their calcium levels in the body than other participants who had other diets were reduced. Read more of this post