
VaricesWhat is it?
varices because of an abnormal collection of blood caused by a weakness, often inherited, in the walls of superficial veins. This weakness causes the veins to stretch and dilate so that blood can easily accumulate when a person stands for long. This process usually occurs in the veins of the legs, and women are more likely to suffer.


The main causes of varices are three. First, and in the case of primary varices are congenitally defective valves. Valves are responsible for circulating blood to the heart, so if you do not work correctly blood pools in the vein causing their swelling.

Thrombophlebitis causes the same effect. In this case, are thrombi, or what is the same, clots hinder the flow. This situation can occur, for example, after long periods of bed rest. And finally, the third most likely cause varices is pregnancy. Luckily, varices that appear during the gestation period are secondary and tend to disappear between 2 and 3 weeks after birth.


Among the most common signs is the aesthetic appearance and pain itself, which is manifested in: Enlarged veins, ankle swelling, leg discomfort and itching in the lower leg and ankle that can lead to scratches and bleeding .

Importantly, sometimes the symptoms are worse when varices are developing than when they are already formed. Moreover, some people develop complications such as dermatitis, phlebitis or ulcers.


Detect the appearance of varices is a simple task since they are seen with the naked eye, but symptoms may appear before the varices are visible. If so, your doctor can palpate the leg to determine the nature of the disorder. And if what it is is to evaluate blood flow, some doctors choose to perform x-rays or ultrasound of the extremity duplex.


The treatment of varices is aimed at relieving symptoms and preventing the disorder will more since, in principle, have no cure. In this sense, the patient to avoid standing for a long time (especially in the case of people with a family history of the same type), try to elevate your legs when resting or sleep and use elastic stockings are recommended. They compress the veins, preventing stretching or injuries occur.

May resort to surgery, in order to extract the maximum amount of varices. The main drawback is that the procedure leaves scars, besides not eliminate the tendency to develop new varices. Sclerotherapy or injection therapy is an alternative to surgery, which involves injecting a solution that produces a harmless type of phlebitis. Theoretically healing vein thrombus clogs even if it does not dissolve the thrombus and the varix can be reopened.