Ideal Weight

ideal body weightIt is very common to hear among our family , friends and acquaintances the phrase ” I’m fat ” or ” I’m fat ” just because they feel tighter clothing or because they compare their size with that of others , without really knowing your ideal weight , ie the amount of kilos to your height , sex and age should weigh. Then how to calculate BMI and important facts about the body.

The ideal weight of each person is marked by your body constitution, age and sex. In this regard it has developed a formula to see if it ‘s right or if it falls in obesity , overweight or extreme thinness. The World Health Organization has proposed an index to determine these situations. This is Body Mass Index .

Yourself, you can do the same calculation

Multiply the measured in meters and centimeters itself , ie , elevate squared. Then , you divide the kilos by the above resulting figure .

Example: if it measures 1.65 m and weighs 52 kilos
Multiply 1.65 by 1.65 = 2, 72 m2
Now you must divide 52 by 2.72 = 19.11
The Body Mass Index is 19.11 . This means that your weight is fine .

According to experts :

30 or more : indicates obesity
25 to 29.9 : Overweight indicates
19-24 : indicates normal
Under 18 : extreme thinness

heavy muscles

It usually happens that similar heights and sometimes contextures weigh different. This is a matter of muscle or bone density. I mean, there are people whose muscles and bones and weigh more , however, are not fat . It happens a lot to athletes .

Body subject

It speaks of three body constitutions and the weight of them may well be different because each muscle mass, fat mass and skeletal spread over different way also .

What is the constitution of your body?

These are the features :

Longilinear : Optical feeling is of being long and narrow . The height is greater than the size of the arms , the legs are long and the muscles and trunk are very fine .

Normilínea : corresponds to the harmonious development of all organs, with well-formed members and mean muscle . The height is the maximum aperture of the arms.

Shortlined : are people with square shapes , with a tendency to obesity and a relatively short stature. The musculature is well developed and body strength is visibly evident .

About Marionet9119
Simple is Easy ~Bounty Hunter~

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