Food for High Cholesterol

Food for high cholesterolWhen you least expect it, the annual medical examination is presented , and with it some surprises are overweight or have high cholesterol. For those who have discovered high cholesterol or those already suffering , basic tips for food that helps lower bad cholesterol and feel better.

These foods then we recommend to include in your diet are daily consumption :
Eggs: only when you are clear with high cholesterol. Can you eat the whole egg when you have leveled, but not 2-3 per week.
Meat: chicken and turkey , which contain less saturated fat but preferably skinless and boiled or steamed.
Fish and seafood: blue fish, oysters and clams, which are rich in Omega 3 acids that help lower bad cholesterol.
Dairy : all low -fat and calories.
Olive oil: is the most recommended by their unsaturated fatty acids to lower high cholesterol.
Garnishes: mustard , vinegar and homemade vinaigrettes, without much salt and oil , with garlic and lemon.
Vegetables, vegetables, fruits and legumes : all you like, in portions of 100 grams minimum .
Whole grains are rich in fiber and provide less fat , such as pasta, rice flakes and biscuits. Do not consume or industrial baked pastries .
Drinking: lots of water and unsweetened fruit juices . No alcoholic beverages.
Sweets: honey and jams low in calories.

About Marionet9119
Simple is Easy ~Bounty Hunter~

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