
Diabetic patient doing glucose level blood testDefinition:
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs because the pancreas does not produce the amount of insulin the body needs , or the production of lower quality. Insulin is a hormone that ‘s primary mission is to transform sugars into energy contained in food . When it fails, causes an excessive increase in sugar in the blood ( hyperglycemia). In fact , the scientific name of the disease is diabetes mellitus, which means “honey” .

Diabetes affects 6 % of the population. The chances of getting it increase as a person gets older, so for over seventy years, have about 15 % of people . It is essential to educate patients to control their diabetes properly, as it can lead to other diseases as or more important than the diabetes : cardiovascular, neurological , retinopathy ( eye infection that can lead to blindness ) and nephropathy ( disease kidney) . The time of onset of the disease, and the causes and symptoms presented by patients , depending on the type of diabetes in question .

Diabetes type 1 . The most common age that appear are childhood , adolescence and early adulthood. He usually occur abruptly, and often regardless of family history there . It is due to the progressive destruction of pancreatic cells that are producing insulin. It must be administered early artificially disease. Your particular symptoms are increasing the need to drink and the amount of urine, tiredness and weight loss .

Diabetes type 2 . It usually develops later in life and is about ten times more frequent than before. In general, given the fact that also suffer or have suffered other members of the family . Originates due to insufficient insulin production together with underutilization of said substance by the cell. Depending on which of the two predominant defect , the patient is to be treated with insulin or antidiabetic pills ( or a combination of both). There used to submit any hassle or specific symptoms , so it can go undetected for long affected person .

Gestational Diabetes . Diabetes is considered a casual . Can be controlled like the other types of diabetes. During pregnancy increases insulin to increase energy reserves . Sometimes , this increase does not occur and can cause diabetes pregnancy. Nor have symptoms and detection is almost always after routine testing to all pregnant women undergo from 24 weeks of gestation.

The main symptoms of diabetes include: Frequent urination ( phenomenon of ” wet bed ” in children) , unusual hunger , excessive thirst , weakness and fatigue , weight loss , irritability and mood swings , feeling sick in stomach and vomiting , frequent infections , blurred vision , cuts and scrapes that do not heal or that heal slowly , tingling or numbness in hands or feet, recurring skin infections , gum or bladder , in addition to the known high levels of sugar in the blood and urine

The treatment of diabetes mellitus is based on three pillars : diet , exercise and medication. It aims to keep blood glucose levels within the normal range to minimize the risk of complications associated with the disease. In many patients with type II diabetes medication would not be necessary if excess weight controlase and carry out a regular exercise program . However, it is often necessary to insulin replacement therapy or taking oral hypoglycemic drugs .
Oral hypoglycemic drugs . Are prescribed for people with type II diabetes who fail to lower the blood sugar levels through diet and physical activity , but are not effective in people with type I.
Treatment with insulin. In patients with type I diabetes need exogenous insulin administration because the pancreas is unable to produce insulin . It is also required in type II diabetes if diet , exercise and oral medications fail to control blood glucose levels . Insulin is administered through injection in existing fat under the skin of the arm , as if taken orally would be destroyed in the digestive tract before passing into the bloodstream. Insulin requirements vary depending on the food ingested and physical activity is performed . People who follow a steady diet and regular physical activity vary little their insulin doses . However, any change in the diet or performing any sport requiring changes to patterns of insulin. Insulin may be injected through different devices :
Traditional syringes , single-use graduated in International Units (0 to 40).
Insulin injection pens . Are pen-shaped device having inside a cartridge containing insulin. The cartridge is changed when insulin is over, but the pen is still used.
Prefilled syringes . Are devices similar to pens , but insulin preloaded . Once insulin just pulling the entire syringe. The blood glucose level depends on the area of ​​the body being injected insulin. It is advisable to enter through the abdomen , arms or thighs. Penetrates quickly if injected into the abdomen. Injecting recommended always in the same area , about two inches but by moving the injection point after another . Avoid injections into the folds of the skin, the midline of the abdomen and groin area and the navel.

For type 1 diabetes there is no effective method for now . Instead, there is evidence that type 2 , which is the most frequently appearing , being related to obesity can be treated largely avoid adopting healthy lifestyle habits : Avoiding overweight and obesity , exercise regular physical . , leave the snuff and alcohol , eating a healthy food diet .

To prevent hypoglycemia , diabetics should adjust drug doses to their real needs , maintain a regular meal schedule as much as possible, take moderate amounts of carbohydrates before exercise extraordinary ; sugar always carry with you.

As the first signs of hypoglycemia , take sugar ( 2 or 3 cubes ) , cookies (from 3-5 units) or one cup ( 150 ml ) of any drink containing carbohydrates rapidly absorbed ( juices fruits , glue, etc. . ) . Symptoms usually happen in 5 or 10 minutes . If hypoglycemia is severe or the person loses consciousness , it is necessary to inject a vial of glucagon subcutaneously ( like insulin ) or intramuscular ( into the buttock ) . Glucagon mobilizes the body’s glucose reserves and takes effect in about 10 minutes. If there is no recovery , the victim should receive immediate medical attention.

About Marionet9119
Simple is Easy ~Bounty Hunter~

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