10 Rules to Loose Weight Healthily

To loose weight, there are always two options: the fast track and less healthy in the foods and nutrients that suppress and got short-term weight loss but quickly recover or slower track, reasonable and healthy in maintaining a balanced diet but restringuiendo spending more calories and exercise based. Here are some tips to reduce weight in a healthy way:

Healthy way

  •  Supplementing the diet with exercise always: is the best way to reduce calories, eating less and spending more. Remember that diet to lose weight without exercise is meaningless.
  • Top with fresh food cooked food and prepared meals tend to have more fat and more additives than fresh foods.
  • Do not forget the daily eating 5 servings of fruit and vegetables recommended: This will ensure that you will always have vitamins and minerals and fiber intake will be noticeable.
  • Eating slowly and chewing well: the process is as important as eating food you take. Do not wait for your fill at every meal, and it tells you that you’ve been eating.
  • Do not skip meals or suppress it: the only meals will suppress the following have much more hungry and eat more than usual. It is better to make more food with less content than very few meals.
  • Do not forget to hydrate: water is very necessary for the proper maintenance of body functions. Remember that water is not fattening and that the average person needs about is about 2 to 2.5 liters of water a day.
  • Do not obsess over weight loss: do not weigh every day and you have to constantly think about losing weight. Weigh yourself every week or two weeks and think it is a long-term, do not let the weight change your mood or dominate your life.
  • Consultation with professionals if necessary: ​​if you have to lose much weight or cost you quite slimming is no nonsense get in the hands of a professional (doctor, nutritionist), since no one better than him to advise and make track.
  • No fad diets or diets that you advise other people for they worked. Each one is different and your body reacts differently to a diet. Do not choose shortcuts when losing weight because again soon regain weight and your body only with such weight fluctuations.
  • Be patient and set a goal you can achieve real goals. Do not forget that experts say not to lose more than a kilogram of weight per week for a healthy weight loss.