Olive oil also protects our bones

Olive oilWhile we know that the many factors affecting bone health food and not only needs calcium to maintain healthy bones, is the first time a large study reveals that olive oil also protects our bones.

As part of the preliminary results of a large Spanish study called PREDIMED that analyzes the effects of the Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts, olive oil or without supplements and low fat, found that those who ate a diet Mediterranean an extra 20 to 30 ml of olive oil had higher indicators of bone formation in blood.

About virgin olive oil added to its already healthy Mediterranean diet had higher levels of osteocalcin, a marker of bone formation, and also retained their calcium levels in the body than other participants who had other diets were reduced. Read more of this post

Lycopene: a carotenoid with significant benefits

LycopeneWe know that carotenoids have antioxidant and is a pigment that gives color to many fruits and vegetables, but in this case, we turn to lycopene, a carotenoid with significant benefits and we can easily include the diet.

Lycopene is the treasure hidden in the tomatoes, because this food is derived and the main source of this important compound. Lycopene is associated with reduced risk of various cancers, but above all, is associated with lower incidence of prostate cancer.

It is a strong antioxidant, even more potent than vitamin E or vitamin C, which helps to prevent cell degeneration and prevent carcinogenic processes.

Also as prevents oxidative stress helps prevent atherosclerosis by preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol molecules then also cardiovascular health benefits. Read more of this post